Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Pride and Prejudice

Are you a Jane Austen Fan? I'm, I just love her books. But BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite movies/series. It's a six episodes series with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. I recently bought a DVD and watched the whole series in two days - and fell in love again. I just can't get enough of Mr Darcy or Mr Collins (for him not in a romantic way). Although the story takes place 19th century, many things are the same as today, all the gossip and scandal are just the same.
Here is one of my favourite scenes from P&P

Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day :)


  1. **holds head down**

    I have never read the book or watched the movie..... but have heard only great things about it!

    Hope all is well honey! Hugs to you!

  2. Hi Cecile! You should really read this book and watch the series as soon as possible :) - you don't know what you are missing.

  3. Yea, I know.... I do promise one day... I promise........ **sheepishly grinning**

  4. I love this version of P&P, but I have to admit--I REALLY love the Joe Wright version with Kiera Knightley.

    I love how messy and backwoods the Bennett's house is in his version, and the contrast between the socially elite dances and the country dance.

    Even the secondary characters resonate with me in his version.

    I know there's a lot to love about the A&E version (really, I'm mostly talking about Colin Firth here), but I do love the new one a whole big lot.

    Great post! Thanks for sharing the clip!

  5. Hello Lisa! Thanks for stopping by!!!
    Your post is actually what inspired me to watch again this version of P&P - which is my all time favourite :)
